How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Business Through A Facebook Page!

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In this short article I shall be explaining some vital tips your web business can use in order to generate more traffic to your website, and ultimately more potential customers. The methods I shall be demonstrating will take time and effort to implement, but if done properly, will be very effective.

As of 2015 Facebook now have over 1.23 billion users. The largest retailer in the world has 20 million visitors a day in and out their doors, which sounds a lot of course, but in relation to Facebook’s 250 million people logging on and interacting with the world a day, there is no comparison. Many businesses are not taking advantage of this opportunity to gain traffic and potentially sales, hopefully by reading this you’ll be gaining that advantage on your competitors. The key to success when it comes down to the increase of Facebook traffic and users is your relationship with friends and followers. The more a friend or follower is interested in the content you’re posting, the less they will think you’re just trying to sell them something. Your relationship with a friend/follower can be built in proven strategies you will learn shortly.

So let’s say after 6 months of hard work and development of your Facebook page, you’re hitting figures of 13,000 visitors to your website solely through Facebook. The product on your website you’re selling is £37. You notice your receiving a conversion rate of just 1% a month, meaning that 130 people who visited your site decided to purchase your product at £37. That’s £4810 a month with a conversion percentage of just 1%, if you maintain this rate or manage to increase it through Facebook or other social media sites, the world’s your oyster my friend.

Now, it’s very important to understand that Facebook has been designed as a ‘social’ networking site; therefore people do not use it in order to purchase products and shop. But that doesn’t mean users can’t be enticed and attracted to something that catches the eye from us marketers. In order to entice and attract users, engaging content has to be posted consistently to build a following. Your content must be kept relevant i.e. articles, blogs, videos etc. Another effective strategy that should be exploited is to join groups within your niche. With private groups you will have to request membership who has thousands of members, so instead of wasting countless hours adding friends, you could be accepted to one popular group, post on the group page and instantly reach out to thousands of users. You can also like public pages within your niche, write on their wall to be friendly WITHOUT selling anything to build up your mutual relationship, this increases the possibility of the page sharing or liking your content. Google alerts can be very helpful in finding relevant content in relation to your niche, people want to be updated with the latest news in the things they’re interested in. The final method I’d like to mention which not many people do is tagging partners, this is when you find a friend who has many followers within your niche. Then try and build a relationship with this person and when the times right, ask for permission to tag them within the content you post, your content will then appear on their wall, potentially being viewed by thousands of their friends/followers.


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