Do Your Social Media Efforts Contribute To Achieving Business Targets?

SMO - Social Media Optimization - handwritten text in a notebook on a desk - 3d render illustration.

Marketing budget’s in this day and age are demonstrating a greater share from businesses social media campaigns. How much dedication, time and effort that goes into social media, benefit your company? 70% of CMO’s (Chief Marketing Officer) cannot predict this question. More than ever, CEO’s (Chief Executive Officer) depend on their marketing groups as the market becomes increasingly vital to reaching in your particular business field. So, how can you now prove that social media is contributing to a high level of your marketing strategies? And how effective is your businesses? Stand by for the following three ways you can prove this!


Social Media Traffic

Social Media is like one great big focus group. How customers engage with your posts is an easy method to assess what resonates with them. Feelings and opinions from social media followers/friends can straight away influence your business strategy. When you post content that clearly attracts social media users that are similar to your target market, consider using it again in various marketing strategies. It is likely it will perform just as well a second time.

Conversion Rate

To assess the traffic of your social media sites, it is most likely you already use Google Analytics. You must also be aware of your bounce rate, average session duration, and most importantly your conversion rate from social media channels. It’s important to also remember that no matter how well you believe your conversion is doing through social media, whether you like it or not social media trends are constantly changing, therefore adaptation and consistent evolution must be implemented. Can you tell which post/tweet/photo (instagram) leads to the most sales of the featured product? If you can or once you can, you’re nailing social media within your business.

Decrease In Content Costs

Occasionally, your profit can be determined from what you save. More than ever, creativity is in great demand. It is common for a company’s ‘quality’ of content to decrease. This may be for a number of reasons, one being the number of social media sites a company is trying to deal with and post consistent content on, on a constant basis. Followers/friends may demand more and more content, therefore an increase in pressure to post content, and a decrease in the quality.


Finally, there is so much more to social media optimization than simply counting likes, followers, retweets etc. Next time your boss comes to you and asks what the sales figures through social media are, now you know how to impress him/her and send them walking out the door with a smile on their face. “High performing marketing leads don’t just align their departments activities with business strategy, they actively engage in shaping it”.

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