Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

young woman with question mark on a gray background hmm thinking thought

Web Design vs Web Development: Do You Really Know The Difference?

According to recent survey’s, there are 1,336,300 available jobs out there for web developers. Whereas, there are only 200,870 open positions for web designers. As you can see, the hiring demand between the both demonstrates a vast difference. But why is this? And which field are you more suited to? Salary is not always the…


Images & Link Formats Explained

Links A link is purely something that is ‘clickable’. It can be text, or it can be an image. A web link can be defined as the following, “A clickable reference attached to highlighted words or an image that contains the URL (Address) of a web document. Click the links to jump from page to…

A variety of images as a big video wall of the TV screen

What Images Grab Your Attention? Give Our Quiz A Go To Find Out!

[WpProQuiz 3] Related posts: Do You Know The Best Images To Use For Your Articles/Posts? Don’t Waste Time Debating Social Ads Against AdWords, Use Both For A Higher Chance Of Success The new Snapchat tool ‘Snap Publisher’ is a game-changer for advertisers! Click Farms: The Present Web Phenomenon. Interactive Multimedia Content Doing Business Without Advertising…


What Is A Web Editor?

A web editor is a piece of software used to create web pages. Every site you visit online when purchasing, browsing or socialising, a web editor would have been used to build that site. All editors are designed to do the same thing, help the publisher create whatever they wish to add to the world…


Do You Know The Best Images To Use For Your Articles/Posts?

Content marketing requires more than just well written text to be effective. In order to obtain the attention people writing posts and articles crave, you must choose the correct images strategically. When chosen thoughtfully, images will enhance your contents popularity, catch the eye of the reader and increase your chances of being found through organic…

Close up portrait of a beautiful young woman smiling and looking at laptop screen millennials generation y

AdWords – Bid More Pay Less

Increase bids on your ad groups, to achieve a higher avg. position and pay less per click. The above example shows the improvement to the avg. position, from 2.9-3 to 1.1-1.1. You can see the actual cost per click reduced by about 40%, from around £4.57 to £2.73. Although we are bidding more we are…

Web developer desk with computer, tablet and mobile, responsive web design and digital marketing concept

Introduction To Building Your Own Website

Web design and online businesses are for you if you want to make money online, and who doesn’t want to earn money sat down in front of a monitor?!  Well in order to do so you need to create your own website to sell a product/service. The quality and effectiveness of your website will come…

facebook notifications inbox friend requests

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Business Through A Facebook Page!

In this short article I shall be explaining some vital tips your web business can use in order to generate more traffic to your website, and ultimately more potential customers. The methods I shall be demonstrating will take time and effort to implement, but if done properly, will be very effective. As of 2015 Facebook…


An Introduction To WordPress

WordPress is a free content management system (CMS). WordPress is installed on a web server, which is part of either an Internet Hosting company or hosts itself. Of the top 10 million websites as of 2015, 23.3% used WordPress. It is the most popular blogging system used on the internet, with over 60 million users…

pretty girl on toilet with cell phone and smiling. Woman sitting with mobile in toilet on white millennials generation y

Do You Suffer From Social Media Diarrhoea?

[WpProQuiz 2] Related posts: Promoting your Cause Or Charity On Social Media With Influencers Twitter And Facebook Are The Latest Members To Sign Up To The Coalition To Combat Fake News eCommerce Is Changing And Social Media Is To Blame. New Data Project Sees Google, Facebook And More Team Up For Secure Data Transfer. The…


Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the process of gaining attention through social media and creating traffic. Social Media Marketing programs concentrate on creating content that attracts attention and influences readers to share it across their social networks. Social media marketing has now become an integral part of companies marketing strategies. Visitors who share it on their…


QUIZ! 6 Questions you should know about Web Business!

[WpProQuiz 1] Related posts: Do You Suffer From Social Media Diarrhoea? What Images Grab Your Attention? Give Our Quiz A Go To Find Out! Strong Customer Relationships Drive Sales, Sustainability, And Growth