Need To Get More People Through The Door? How To Increase Footfall In Your Local Shop, Cafe, Pub, etc…

The movement from old feature phones is real – Smartphone’s have entered the mainstream and popularity is sky high; now, over half the world are using Smartphone’s. But how many businesses really use mobile marketing to its full potential?
One of the most revolutionary components of the Smartphone is its ability to be location-aware, with sensors that can pinpoint your exact location, enhancing user-experience dramatically and most importantly, a business’s capability to highly refine and target a demographic which is very likely to connect with the brand.
What is hyper-local mobile advertising?
Thanks to the intelligence of the Smartphone, location data is now becoming a critical element of many brands’ marketing strategy. Businesses now have the power to use real-time data to more efficiently target potential customers based on their whereabouts, and measure the success of their phone-ads accordingly.
Location-based marketing centres on the reality that nowadays, Smartphone’s are the gadget that many of us are, admittedly, so dependent on; and no matter where we go, we never let them out of arms reach…
The big opportunity
The Smartphone shift and uprising of the location-aware feature is opening advertisers around the world up to a channel beyond what they thought was possible: a geo-targeted marketing solution with power of sending custom messages to the right people, at the right time and the right place! Here are some examples:
Scenario 1:
Its lunchtime at work and you’re heading out to go find a place to eat, when you get a text from a local Italian restaurant 3 minutes walk from your office. The restaurant is offering 20% off all pizzas this week, and has decided to advertise the offer through a location based message advert, targeting people within a 0.5 mile radius of the Pizza Place. The message has a “Get Directions” Call to Action (CTA) button, you then click it and it leads you to the restaurant for your pizza.
Scenario 2:
It’s a Saturday afternoon and you and your friend have decided to take the train into the centre of London to do some sight-seeing. Just as you arrive, you receive an ad message from a hop on hop off London Sightseeing Bus Company, offering a free one hour tour, picking you up just 0.4 miles away from the train station. The ad has a “Book Your Ticket” CTA, which you then click and experience seeing all the top attractions and landmarks of London in one of the most iconic symbols of the capital – a Red Bus.
How can hyper-local advertisement benefit my business?
I’ve heard a lot of people say that the internet is steering people away from non e-commerce stores and making them more reluctant to shop online, when in actual fact; the internet has mass potential to be leveraged to drive people in to stores. Here is how geo-targeting can benefit physical shops:
Increased foot traffic
Using location aware data intelligence, hyper-local marketing can maximize your businesses potential to generate more sales.
When it comes to running a brick-and-mortar store, there is no denying that the secret to success is sales. More foot traffic can open a brand up to countless opportunities to sell products and services while connecting with and gaining a growing number of loyal customers.
Increased brand awareness
Cut the noise and stand above your competitors, be proud of your brand and let your nearby prospects know why they should visit you! Creating an effective custom message can become the reason your brand is becoming so well-known and loved by the local community. Sending the message is the first step- by making people aware of the brand, the success will follow.
Expanding your customer horizons and keep existing customers coming back
Not only does using geo-targeted messages give your business the chance to reinforce branding, it also gives your store that golden opportunity to connect with people that have never set foot in your store, in a bid to engage and convert them into regular customers.
Data intelligence can do your store wonders when it comes to expanding your customer scope, and ironically but true, this online strategy can be a huge driver to offline traffic.
How do I start?
When it comes to running a business, nothing produces more results than action. Go beyond typical window and in-store offer displays by making geo-targeting the centrepiece of your brands success.
Remember – appeal is everything…
If you’d like to create stand out messages, that reach and resonate your target audience Contact Us Now.