
Inbound is in and outbound is out.
Marketing strategies that you may have thought worked 10 years ago don’t seem to draw customers anymore; now, it’s all about engaging with your customers.
So, now that outbound marketing is a thing of the past, there is one question in everyone’s heads- What’s making businesses convert from the more conventional methods of advertising?
Well, the answer is all about to come clear to you; here are the differences between the marketing strategies and why inbound marking is becoming increasingly popular…

The Differences: Inbound Vs Outbound.
If you were to ever look up the definition of a ‘bad marketer’ you would find a person who wastes time on areas of advertisement that have little or no benefit to the business; in this modern day world- that is essentially an outbound marketer.

An inbound marketer on the other hand, is the complete opposite.
Marketing is all about growing your business- but never pushing customers to do something- that is the beauty of inbound marketing, customers come to you!


With inbound marketing- customers and communication are key, if you look at any company who’ve chosen to implement the inbound approach, you’ll notice that the customer always comes first, and their impression that they value, and have a strong bond with their customers is at the top of their agendas.

  Completely in contrast with the outbound marketer who focuses solely on one way communication; this approach of connecting with its customers gives the outbound marketing strategy the name interruption marketing”.

Here are some examples of the different ways the two types of marketers generate customers:

Providing value

Successful marketers keep up with trends, and the latest news so they know how society and the internet is changing- this will help them keep a close tab on what parts of their strategy they should keep or alter. Inbound marketers will always be 100% up to date, but since outbound marketers don’t prioritise adding value to consumer’s lives- they don’t prioritise doing much research on trends and changes.
Educate or Promote?
Education is a powerful marketing strategy and an inbound marketer’s motto is “Don’t market your product to your customers, educate them instead”, it’s not often that you see an outbound marketer educating customers; their motto is “promote, promote, PROMOTE”. Consumers in this day love information, and better yet when it’s accurate and reliable. Having content that your customers and follower base can trust says a lot about your business and practically represents you. Dependable data will illustrate that your product or service can also be trusted, giving you a better chance of turning interest into customers and customers to loyal consumers.

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