In The Time It Took You To Read This Sentence 20m Emails Have Been Sent

dreamsight marketing quotes. email marketing

Marketing Quotes Email By #MarketingDreams.

In just the time it took you to read this sentence, 20 million emails were sent. Email is a common way people communicate using the internet. Many people use email every day, and it’s estimated that by 2025, 4.6 billion people worldwide will use email. On average, a person gets 121 emails each day, and by 2023, it’s expected that 347 billion emails will be sent and received every day.

Email marketing is when businesses send promotional messages to people through email. This helps businesses reach a lot of customers fast. But, if businesses send too many emails that people don’t like, it can make people feel stressed out.

To make sure email marketing works well and doesn’t stress people out, businesses need to be careful. They should only send emails to people who want to get them. Businesses can ask people to sign up for their email list on their website or social media pages. They should also make it easy for people to stop getting emails if they don’t want them anymore.

Businesses can also make sure their emails are relevant to people by using segmentation and personalization. This means they can send emails that are specific to what people like. For example, a business that sells shoes might send emails about men’s shoes to men and emails about women’s shoes to women. This can help make email marketing work better and not make people feel stressed out.

In short, email marketing can be helpful for businesses, but they need to be careful. They should only send emails to people who want them and make it easy for people to stop getting them. Businesses can also use segmentation and personalization to make sure the emails they send are relevant and helpful to people.

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