Dynamic Content and Targeted Adverts in Action

We love the way these work and I’m sure Terrapin Tents won’t mind me using their new Facebook campaigns as an example of dynamic webpage content and audience targeting, but they are so simple and eloquent…
We’re targeting FB users who are a year away from a landmark Birthday, serving them a relevant advert and taking them to a dynamic landing page, which updates the headlines they see.
For example: Someone in our target location, who is 59 will see an advert with “Soon you will be 60 – What better way to celebrate your birthday than with your very own festival!” and photos of marquee tents with “This Could Be Your 60th Party”. When they click the advert, it sends the keywords to the page so they see 60th Party headlines (as opposed to someone 40, clicking the 40 advert and seeing the 40th link page).
We’ve done this using Dynamic Keywords Injector and then adding the link-code to Facebook advert’s link URL. Very easy to do and could be effective for any campaign.