
Exact Match Keyword Mistakes

Close variants of exact match keywords in Google Ads are like a tool that helps advertisers reach more people without losing the precision of their ads. Normally, exact match keywords are strict and only show ads when someone types the exact keyword. But with close variants, Google includes words that are similar or mean the…

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How Quality Score Can Affect Your Cost Per Click

This infographic shows how your Cost Per Click is impacted by your quality score on Google. Depending on your quality score you can save 50% or end up spending 400% more! Figures from wordstream. Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams.

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Which Marketing Strategy Would Better Suit Your Business, SEO or PPC?

An Infographic guide to help you decipher where you should be focusing your efforts. Read This Article

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Common Questions With Answers For Those New To PPC

If you are just starting out with PPC, it’s only natural to have questions. 16 questions you may have, have now been answered. Read This Article

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How To Create Successful Pay Per Click Ad Copy

Marketers guide to writing successful ad copy for both B2B and B2C marketing Read This Article

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Winning Tips For Local Pay Per Click

Ten marketing tips that will take you PPC to the next level Read This Article

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Platform Updates And It’s Impact On Paid Advertising

Numerous platforms used for advertising has been updated and changed since the start of the year, here is what those changes mean for marketers using paid advertising. Read This Article

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A Fresh Approach To Writing Copy For PPC Ads

Experiment with your Pay-Per-Click advertising copy. Try a Google ad copy generator tool, perfect for digital marketers wanting to create original content… and anyone can use it (no sign up required). Google ad copy generator tool

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Improve Your PPC Mobile Ads With These 10 Writing Tips

Want to write professional level ads? Here are ten amazing writing tips to help you do so. Read This Article

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New B2B Marketing Social Media Statistics

Recent reports and studies into social media have provided new statistics which will be particularly interesting to B2B marketers. Read This Article

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