When you think of marketing, you tend to never think of the target market to be kids. But then when you consider the change from TV to digital, brands such as Netflix and iPlayer Kids need to think up a marketing strategy which aims itself at their main audience- the youth. Click here to learn…
Read MoreThe audience should always be your main priority when marketing. besides, whats the point of posting content if it doesn’t get noticed or read? Click here for the unfailing rules of your next marketing campaign.
Read MoreBlogging. One of the most treasured tools a company could have to capture and communicate with a target audience and customer base. Here are 6 reasons a blog should be on your marketing strategy.
Read MoreHaving a good SEO isn’t in anyway monochromatic; there are a range of different things each website uniquely does to improve their optimization performance. Understanding search engine optimizing will open many doors for new customers, and your businesses opportunities. Click here for the 4 Ps of SEO and digital marketing.
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