Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News


Sell The Problem You Solve. Not The Product You Make

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Many Companies Have Forgotten They Sell To Actual People. Humans Care About The Entire Experience, Not Just The Marketing Or Sales Or Service Just Because You Are The Loudest, Doesn’t Make You Right Failure Is Simply The Opportunity To Begin Again, This Time More Intelligently You Stand Out More…

45701278 - kiev, ukraine - september 02, 2015:new google logotype printed on paper, cut and pinned on cork bulletin is usa multinational corporation specializing in internet-related services.

Google’s Site Analysis Tools Reaches Open Beta Testing

A new tool by Google designed to analyse websites (including SEO) and provide recommendations on how to improve. Is now in open beta testing. Read This Article Related posts: Focus On Making Your Sites Crawlable For A Better SEO 4 SEO And Web Design Tips To Do It The Right Way 6 Strategies To Improve…


LinkedIn Algorithm Update Aims To Better The Engagement Of Content

LinkedIn plans to update their feed algorithm to increase the engagement of user content Read This Article Related posts: Take A Risk And Keep Testing, Because What Works Today Won’t Work Tomorrow, But What Worked Yesterday May Work Again I’ve Learned That People Will Forget What You Said, People Will Forget What You Did, But…


If Your Stories Are All About Your Products And Services, That’s Not Storytelling. It’s A Brochure. Give Yourself Permission To Make The Story Bigger

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: I’ve Learned That People Will Forget What You Said, People Will Forget What You Did, But People Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel The Best Way To Engage Honestly With The Marketplace Via Twitter Is To Never Use The Words Engage, Honestly Or Marketplace The Cost Of…

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Travel Brands Need To Avoid These Advertising Mistakes

If you are a travel brand advertising on Facebook Read This Article and learn how to avoid these common mistakes. Related posts: 10 Quick Fixes That Will Help Your Facebook Ads Perform Better How To Use Still Images For Your Video Marketing On Facebook Advert Strategy Guide For Facebook 5 Facebook Strategies To Advance Your…


Don’t Find Customers For Your Product. Find Products For Your Customers

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Do You Have A Product Or Service That People Want? If You Don’t Have That, Nothing Else Matters. The Best Way To Engage Honestly With The Marketplace Via Twitter Is To Never Use The Words Engage, Honestly Or Marketplace Marketing Takes A Day To Learn And A Lifetime To…


How To Prevent SEO Spam From Damaging Your Search Ranking

Hackers use malware software to spam websites with irrelevant links and keywords. This can hurt your SEO. Read This Article Related posts: Optimizing SEO With 8 WordPress Plugins 6 Steps To Increase SEO Ranking When Creating Content The Future of SEO It s Not What You re Expecting What Does The Future Hold For SEO?…


The Best Marketing Strategy Ever, Care

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: No Content Should Be A Dead End. Plan For Where To Put It Next. If You Can’t Explain It To A 6-Year Old, You Don’t Know It Yourself Audiences Everywhere Are Tough. They Don’t Have Time To Be Bored Or Brow Beaten By Orthodox Old-Fashioned Advertising Content Is The…


Everything Facebook Does For Small UK Business

Businesses all over the world not just in the UK have been using Facebook to grow and expand. Here is a study into Facebook’s impact on UK businesses. Read This Article Related posts: Did You Know WhatsApp Is Owned By Facebook? Facebook Announced That It Will Be Re-branding WhatsApp And Instagram Facebook Reveals Their Re-Branded…


Not Viewing Your Email Marketing As Content Is A Mistake

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Write Great Headlines And You’ll Have Successfully Invested 80% Of Your Money Marketing Is Too Important To Be Left To The Marketing Department Audiences Everywhere Are Tough. They Don’t Have Time To Be Bored Or Brow Beaten By Orthodox Old-Fashioned Advertising Marketing Takes A Day To Learn And A…


Facebook’s Feature For Budget Optimisation

Facebook has many campaign features to help you with your marketing strategies. one of those features can help you optimize your budget. Read This Article Related posts: How Small Businesses Can Get The Most Out Of Facebook Advertising 10 Quick Fixes That Will Help Your Facebook Ads Perform Better 5 Facebook Strategies To Advance Your…

Instagram application

How To Boost Your Conversions By Using Instagram

Five things you can be doing on Instagram to boost your conversion Read This Article Related posts: How To Use Instagram Stories To Boost Sales The Instagram App’s Direct Messaging Feature Is Being Tested For The Web And Desktop’s. Guide To Marketing Brands On Instagram Instagram Looks To Be Testing A New Way Of Purchasing…