Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

42 Of Disney’s Gaming Apps Filed in A Lawsuit Claiming They Are Spying On Users
Disney. Every child loves it! Its the shows and the films they watch every day, the characters that they wish to meet, and the resorts that they fantasize of visiting… For years and years, the company has been known to the youth as “The place where dreams come true”. Now, the company are getting sued…

Website Builders Can Greatly Benefit Your Business And Here’s How
Having a brand without an eye-catching, well designed website can be losing you out on many great business opportunities; and a website in itself will allow your company to exceed its marketing goals and excel. Click here to read why your business can benefit from using website builders. Related posts: 3 GUIDELINES FOR EXCEPTIONAL WEB…

Chrome Gets Attacked By Phishing Hacker
Google Chromes phishing attacks have been silently manipulating the businesses security and extensions for almost 2 months now! The attackers have attempted and been successful targeting two of the most popular Chrome extensions- Web Developer and Copyfish. Click here to read more. Related posts: The Definitive Guide To Google’s Material Design Google rolls out anti-phishing mechanisms…

5 fast & simple SEO tactics to harvest tons of organic traffic
Search Engine Optimization is a long process and there is no cure-all; but there are a few simple strategies that you can implement and be highly repaid. Click here for the full article. Related posts: Small Business SEO Improvements 7 Ways to Add SEO Gasoline To Your Content Marketing Fire Microsite’s Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy!…

Google celebrates hip-hop with a doodle that puts you in the DJ booth!
Today’s Google doodle (designed by Cey Adams) is honoring hip hops anniversary, history and culture; by clicking the logo, you will be taken to an interactive deejay game where you can choose records, cross-fade, and use the two turn-tables to scratch and alter the pace of the beat! Related posts: All Extensions Currently On AdWords…