Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

3 Reasons PPC Is The Bee’s Knee’s
Google’s the site and search engine that millions of people rely on each and every day to be referred to other sites- so what better way to market your website than to use Google’s advertising? Click here to learn why PPC matters to your business. Related posts: PPC Secrets Guaranteed To Increase Brand Recognition November…

Correcting Misconception Into Inbound Marketing
Thousands and thousands of businesses have converted from conventional methods, to the new and loved inbound marketing. So its understandable, that making a such a huge leap in strategies can be daunting for some companies. Can you relate? If the answer is yes, this article will help reassure you on choosing the inbound strategy and…

Google From Humble Beginnings
Did you know that Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin didn’t actually invent Google with the intention of creating a search engine? They were actually trying to create a software which ranks web pages in terms of credibility, which meant they first had to download the ENTIRE internet! Click here to read on. Related…

Creating A Marketing Campaign Involving Influencers, 6 Things To Include
Influencer marketing is forever expanding, in unison with its demand. And with experience, companies are learning that creating an effective campaign takes time, hard work and knowledge. Click here for 6 must-do’s when creating an influencer marketing campaign. Related posts: Can Website Scraping Grow Your Business 7 Ways to Add SEO Gasoline To Your Content…

Dangers Of Hiring Freelancers To Build Your Website
There is nothing more reliable than research… That’s why Tripwire, Inc., a software based company in Oregon investigated the risks of turning to a freelance web developer to build your website. Click here to view their findings. Related posts: Web Design Throughout Time Infographic 4 SEO And Web Design Tips To Do It The Right…

SEO Benefits From Making Your Internal Links User-Friendly
There are countless ways you can improve your SEO, and although making it perfectly efficient is an ongoing process- its worth all the effort, for sure. Click here to learn how to improve your SEO with user-friendly interlinking. Related posts: Make Your Website Mobile Friendly SEO Brand Wars, 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Get The…