Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

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Discover 10 Secret Marketing Hacks Usable On Facebook Now

You may think you’ve got your Facebook marketing strategy perfect, but i can assure you that there are things you probably don’t know about that can boost your advertising plan even more. Click here for 10 hidden Facebook hacks. Related posts: Facebook To Add Brand Logo’s To That Brands Links And Articles 5 Facebook Features…

instagram app applications

5 Step Guide To Planning The Perfect Instagram Campaign

Instagram, the social media platform crowned with the quickest growth rate ever, was initially started back in 2010 as a photo sharing application; though the platform continues to do just that, it has developed into a place were businesses too can market their products and grow there brand. Click here for 5 steps to plan…

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Snapchat Shows Appreciation To Influencer By Awarding Them An Official Story Account

166 million users log into Snapchat every day to update their stories and send messages, photos and videos to friends. Any of us Snapchat lovers will know about the recent ad campaigns for businesses, but i’m sure you haven’t heard much about how the app sets apart public figures… Click here to find out Snapchats…



Phones and laptops are meant to be private, right? But now people fear that as social network is developing, it will begin to spy on people. Click here for the full article. Related posts: Advertisers Pouring Their Money Into Facebook Facebook To Improve The Social Media Experience By Tackling Slow Web-Pages Good News For Facebook…

Business team drawing a new big project

3 Questions To Answer When Considering Changing Up your Business Model

Is your business model not doing your brand any favours? If so, i recommend you answer these 3 questions; they can not only help you transform your business model, but make your companies future bright! Related posts: Small Business SEO Improvements 6 Ways To Give Your Brand Life On Instagram 6 Marketing ROI Boosters WOW…

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SEO The Catalyst To Expand Your Brand

It’s almost impossible to find a successful business out there that doesn’t have a website… Although word of mouth is effective, in today’s day, almost everything is done online so getting a site has became one of the first things a young business does. Every effective website has one thing in common, and that is…

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Neustar Partners With Pinterest Providing Them Marketing Analytics

Us marketers using Pinterest were all longing for an analytics tool to view and track our progress, and… It’s finally here: Neustar Inc.! Click here for more information. Related posts: A Pintrest Guide To Increased Ecommerce Traffic 9 Books To Tell You Everything A Small Business Needs To Know When Digital Marketing Brief Small Businesses…

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3 YouTube Tips From Award Winning Video Marketing Strategist

video will provide 80% of all web traffic by 2017, says BBC. So if your business isn’t  on YouTube yet, i recommend you hop on the video marketing bandwagon as soon as possible! Click here for the top 3 video marketing tips, written by Sunny Lenarduzzi. Related posts: Benefiting From YouTube Marketing 7 YouTube Video Ad…

instagram app applications

6 Instagram Tips For Marketers Trying Stories

Its been over a year now since Instagram unveiled its Snapchat Story-dupe: Instagram Stories. And despite the feature essentially copies its competitor, its proving to be extremely popular to users. Did you know, businesses can also utilize the tool to increase brand recognition? Here are 6 tips on how. Related posts: The Ins And Outs…

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Tell All Infographic About Inbound Marketing Using Email

Everyone thought social media washed the email out the water… But its continuous success of getting companies customers still continues to be the thing giving the email a strong fighting chance. Here’s how email marketing done the inbound way gets great results. Related posts: Correcting Misconception Into Inbound Marketing 4 Ways To Test The Market…

Linkedin website on a computer screen. Linkedin is a business oriented social networking site

LinkedIn Not Working For Your Marketing Stragegy? Here’s Why.

Have you tried time and time again to engage with potential clients and network with professionals on LinkedIn and been unsuccessful? This article could be the answer why your efforts aren’t working. Related posts: Taco Bell Embraces Social Media For A Winning Marketing Strategy A Successful Way To Approach Advertising Look Past Measuring Easy Numbers,…

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3 Ways To Prevent Your Marketing Strategy From Becoming Over-Complicated Video

Admittedly, marketing as a whole can be a bit complex at times; keeping up with trends, ensuring a good reputation, showing a human side of the brand… All that whilst trying to engage potential customers! But ironically you could be over complicating it. Here are 3 ways to stop over complicating your content marketing strategy.…