Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

sell the problem you solve not the product

Sell the Problem you Solve, Not the Product.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Create Content that Reaches your Audience’s Audience. IT’S NOT ABOUT IDEAS, IT’S ABOUT MAKING IDEAS HAPPEN. Content marketing is NOT storytelling. It’s telling your story WELL. Success Consists of Doing the Common Things of Life Uncommonly Well. If You’re Going to Be Able to Look Back on Something and…


Does Snapchats Future Hold Marketing Troubles?

Snapchats popularity has always been through its app innovation, and was worshiped as Facebook’s biggest competitor not long ago. But is Snapchat now under attack after its slowing user growth and advertising revenue? Click here to find out. Related posts: Snap CEO Spectacles sold more in first year than Apple s iPod Teens favor Snapchat…

digital marketing analytics strategy internet online marketing digital

5 Misconceptions About Analytics

Measuring data matters. It can help your business get a grips on which components of your strategy are working and which parts you should alter, the tool can also provide you with more of an understanding of your visitors, prospects and leads. Despite all the advantages, there can be a few misconceptions. But it’s best…

Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation

Business has Only Two Functions – Marketing and Innovation.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Its No Longer Enough to Satisfy your Customers. You Must Delight Them. You Can’t Sell Anything if You Can’t Tell Anything. Don’t be Busy, be Productive. Social Media Creates Communities, NOT Markets. Do Not Wait to Strike Till the Iron Is Hot; but Make It Hot by Striking. You…

b2b b2c

B2C And B2B Are Failing To Hit Their Engagement Mark

Marketers, do you feel like you have a clear and thorough understanding of how to engage customers? I’m sure you’ll answer yes, but following research from Marketo, many consumers would disagree. Click here to read how B2B and B2C businesses are missing the mark. Related posts: Promoting LinkedIn Posts Get LinkedIn With These 3 New Features…

Its no longer enough to satisfy your customers. you must delight them

Its No Longer Enough to Satisfy your Customers. You Must Delight Them.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Whether you Think You Can or Think You Can’t, You’re Right. GO THE EXTRA MILE. ITS NEVER CROWDED. Give them Quality. That’s the Best Kind of Advertising. A Happy Person Is Not a Person in a Certain Set of Circumstances, but Rather a Person With a Certain Set of…

video marketing youtube

5 Reasons Why If You Don’t Video Market, You Need To

Video marketing is taking over the advertising world-  but why is it so important for brands to incorporate videos into their marketing campaigns? Read This Article to find out. Related posts: How Video Makes Marketing Your Brand Easier Avoid These Mistakes For Better Video Marketing Holistic Video Marketing: It’s All Connected Using Video Marketing To Grow…

Business Team Corporate Marketing Working Concept

3 Tips To Meet Your Marketing Project Deadline

Marketing online is becoming more and more effective by the minute, and although this is great for business success, marketers may find themselves having a few extra projects on their plate. But online advertisers, not to worry- where there’s a will there’s a way! Read This Article for 3 keys to delivering marketing projects on time,…

create content that reaches your audiences audience

Create Content that Reaches your Audience’s Audience.

Related posts: IT’S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW OR WHO YOU KNOW… I’TS WHO KNOWS YOU. BRANDING IS WHAT YOU, DO NOT WHAT YOU CALL IT. DONT USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO IMPRESS PEOPLE, USE IT TO IMPACT PEOPLE Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds. Losers Visualize the Penalties of Failure. Winners Visualize…

time for new content 

2018’s Content Marketing Approaches For Eccommerce Brands

Content marketing is more important now than it ever has been. So as a business, knowing exactly how to approach this strategy is essential to make an impact. Click here to read on. Related posts: Content Marketing, Telling It Apart From SEO 3 Lessons Learned From The World Of Content Marketing It’s Important To Have Goals…

Social media marketing concept connectivity illustration customers target market audience niche digital marketing social media world connect audience target market internet online marketing digital world network connectivity customers niche

Don’t Get Left Behind, There Is Sill Time To Start Social Selling

If you haven’t already, now is always the best time to get your business set up to start social selling! Social selling is when sales people in a business utilize different social media platforms to connect with potential customers, adding value to the brand by answering future consumers questions and queries as well as providing…

Business has only two functions - marketing and innovation

Marketing Takes a Day to Learn but a Lifetime to Master

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Its No Longer Enough to Satisfy your Customers. You Must Delight Them. You Can’t Sell Anything if You Can’t Tell Anything. Don’t be Busy, be Productive. Social Media Creates Communities, NOT Markets. Do Not Wait to Strike Till the Iron Is Hot; but Make It Hot by Striking. You…