Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News


I Don’t Know The Rules Of Grammar. If You’re Trying To Persuade People To Do Something, Or Buy Something, It Seems To Me You Should Use Their Language

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Hire People Who Are Better Than You Are, Then Leave Them To Get On With It. Look For People Who Will Aim For The Remarkable, Who Will Not Settle For The Routine A Business Has To Be Involving It Has To Be Fun And It Has To Exercise Your…


Not Only Are Bloggers Suckers For The Remarkable, So Are The People Who Read Blogs

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: A Business Has To Be Involving It Has To Be Fun And It Has To Exercise Your Creative Instincts. Attract. Engage. Convert: The Three Foundations of Effective Marketing Commit To A Niche Try To Stop Being Everything To Everyone A Comedian Can’t Stand In Front Of An Audience And…


If You Have That Goal-First Mentality, You Are Setting Yourself Up For More Success. Really, Budget Shouldn’t Be Your Limitation

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Successful Blogging Is Not About One-Time Hits. It’s About Building A Loyal Following Over Time It’s All About People. It’s About Networking And Being Nice To People And Not Burning Any Bridges Content Is King Quality Is More Important Than Quantity. One Home Run Is Much Better Than Two…


Develop Your Eccentricities While You Are Young. That Way, When You Get Old, People Won’t Think You’re Going Gaga

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: My Main Advice For Anyone Working Content Marketing Or Starting At A Content Team Is Make Sure That You Have A Really, Really Clear Opinion About The World You Can Never Spend Too Much Time Thinking About, Worrying About, Caring About Your People, Because At The End Of The…


Remembering That You Are Going To Die Is The Best Way I Know To Avoid The Trap Of Thinking You Have Something To Lose. You Are Already Naked. There Is No Reason Not To Follow Your Heart

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: As Marketers, We Should Be Changing The Mantra From Always Be Closing To Always Be Helping Advertising Is Only Evil When It Advertises Evil Things. You Are Out Of Business If You Don’t Have A Prospect Marketing Takes A Day To Learn And A Lifetime To Master Be Yourself.…


If You Love Writing Or Making Music Or Blogging Or Any Sort Of Performing Art, Then Do It. Do It With Everything You’ve Got. Just Don’t Plan On Using It As A Shortcut To Making A Living.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Hire People That You Can Trust, Pick A Tool That You Trust, And Just Keep Everybody On The Same Page. Then Back Off. Don’t Focus On Having A Great Blog. Focus On Producing A Blog That’s Great For Your Readers In The World Of Internet Customer Service, It’s Important…


The Old Ways Aren’t Coming Back

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: It’s Not What You Sell. It’s How You Sell It. Don’t Focus On Having A Great Blog. Focus On Producing A Blog That’s Great For Your Readers In The World Of Internet Customer Service, It’s Important To Remember Your Competitor Is Only One Mouse Click Away When You Are…


I Succeeded By Saying What Everyone Else Is Thinking.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: In The World Of Internet Customer Service, It’s Important To Remember Your Competitor Is Only One Mouse Click Away Social Is The Way Our Work Gets Discovered. Content That Is Truly Exceptional, Unique, And Useful Can Earn Tremendous Awareness Through Social Media, And That Social Amplification Often Leads To…


Make A Customer. Not A Sale.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Nothing Begets Creativity Like Constraints By Definition, Remarkable Things Get Remarked Upon Never Write An Advertisement Which You Wouldn’t Want Your Family To Read. You Wouldn’t Tell Lies To Your Own Wife. Don’t Tell Them To Mine Think Bigger, Braver, And Bolder. The Biggest Missed Opportunity In Content Marketing…


Help Your Customers And You Help Your Business

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Nothing Begets Creativity Like Constraints By Definition, Remarkable Things Get Remarked Upon Never Write An Advertisement Which You Wouldn’t Want Your Family To Read. You Wouldn’t Tell Lies To Your Own Wife. Don’t Tell Them To Mine Think Bigger, Braver, And Bolder. The Biggest Missed Opportunity In Content Marketing…


Success Is Not Final. Failure Is Not Fatal. It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: It’s Not What You Sell. It’s How You Sell It. Don’t Focus On Having A Great Blog. Focus On Producing A Blog That’s Great For Your Readers In The World Of Internet Customer Service, It’s Important To Remember Your Competitor Is Only One Mouse Click Away When You Are…


Value The Relationship More Than The Quota

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: It’s Not What You Sell. It’s How You Sell It. You Don’t Need A Big Close… You Risk Losing Your Customer When You Save All The Good Stuff For The End If You Can’t Be Brilliant, At Least Be Memorable Success Is Not Final. Failure Is Not Fatal. It…