Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

Success is not the key to happiness Happiness is the key to success If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Success Is Not the Key to Happiness. Happiness Is the Key to Success .if You Love What You Are Doing, You Will Be Successful.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: An Obstacle Is Often a Stepping Stone Life Is a Journey, Its Not a Race. Walk Through It. You Gain Strength, Courage and Confidence by Every Experience in Which You Stop to Look Fear in the Face Keep Away From People Who Try to Belittle Your Ambitions. Small People…

snapchat barcode id

Snapchats Context Cards, A Brand New Original Form Of Local Advertising

Snapchat is up against some strong platforms, so to keep up with its rivals, the app is rolling out a new feature: “Context Cards”. Click here to learn what it’s all about. Related posts: The future of Snapchat is in the dancing hot dog’s hands Instagram Vs Snapchat When Blog Promoting Snap CEO Spectacles sold…

Positivity is all about overlooking the negative fact.

Positivity Is All About Overlooking the Negative Fact.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Business has Only Two Functions – Marketing and Innovation. Don’t Deliver a Product, Deliver an Experience. Great Content is the Best Sales Tool in the World. Desire Is the Starting Point of All Achievement, Not a Hope, Not a Wish, but a Keen Pulsating Desire Which Transcends Everything. Vision…

Shocked child nerd working with a computer

8 Standout Statistics From Advertising Week

For digital marketers around the world, it’s been a lively couple of weeks… So, to bring you up to date, here are 8 new digital marketing statistics that you may not have seen. Related posts: Jumping Digital Marketing Biggest Hurdles Young Marketers Making Their Own Way To The Top 5 Mistakes That Are Easily Avoidable…

Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.

Sooner or Later, Those Who Win Are Those Who Think They Can.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: To Be Successful, You Have to Have Your Heart in Your Business, and Your Business in Your Heart. Old Ways Won’t Open New Doors CONTENT IS THE ATOMIC PARTICLE OF DIGITAL MARKETING I Know for Sure That What We Dwell on Is Who We Become. You Must Be the…

artificial intelligence AI

Digital Marketing’s Nears Judgement Day As AI Is Further Integrated

As technology develops, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming a massive part of each and every one of our lives. Read this article to discover the role AI has in digital marketing. Related posts: Marketing, Go Digital Or Go Home 5 new Technologies That Can Improve Upon Digital Marketing, And Even The World Need To…

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Many of Life’s Failures Are People Who Did Not Realize How Close They Were to Success When They Gave Up.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Create Content that Reaches your Audience’s Audience. IF YOU AREN’T A LITTLE DIFFERENT TO YOUR COMPETITION, YOU’RE IN TROUBLE. BRANDING IS WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU, WHEN YOU’RE NOT IN THE ROOM. A Brand is Worthless if it doesn’t Connect with the Audience in a Relevant Way In Any…

Social media marketing concept connectivity illustration customers target market audience niche digital marketing social media world connect audience target market internet online marketing digital world network connectivity customers niche

Social Media: 10 Ways To Go Viral That You Wont Need A Doctor For

2.5 billion people now on social media, so if your company isn’t on available on any platforms, chances are your missing out on a lot of potential customers! Click here for 10 secrets to going viral on social media.   Related posts: Don’t Get Left Behind, There Is Sill Time To Start Social Selling Generating…

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.

In Order to Succeed, We Must First Believe That We Can.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Its No Longer Enough to Satisfy your Customers. You Must Delight Them. You Can’t Sell Anything if You Can’t Tell Anything. Don’t be Busy, be Productive. Social Media Creates Communities, NOT Markets. Do Not Wait to Strike Till the Iron Is Hot; but Make It Hot by Striking. You…


Maintaining Leads For B2B Start-Ups

Kick starting a business can be a risky, which is why collecting all the research and advice you can is vital… Click here to learn how your business to business start up can maintain a steady flow of sales leads. Related posts: Promoting LinkedIn Posts Get LinkedIn With These 3 New Features A Know All…

I can’t understand why people are frightened by new ideas. I’m frightened by old ones.

I Can’t Understand Why People Are Frightened by New Ideas. I’m Frightened by Old Ones.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Business has Only Two Functions – Marketing and Innovation. Don’t Deliver a Product, Deliver an Experience. Great Content is the Best Sales Tool in the World. Desire Is the Starting Point of All Achievement, Not a Hope, Not a Wish, but a Keen Pulsating Desire Which Transcends Everything. Vision…

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search engine optimization optimisation   organic search results

SEO Image Optimization: How To Guide

User experience is a crucial component to conciser when optimizing your website… After all, if you visit a website and its content is taking forever to load, chances are you’ll leave the site and search for a better optimized alternative. Click here to discover how to optimize your websites images for SEO. Related posts: Why…