Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

Life isn't worth living unless you're willing to take some big chances and go for broke.

Life Isn’t Worth Living Unless You’re Willing to Take Some Big Chances and Go for Broke.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: An Obstacle Is Often a Stepping Stone Life Is a Journey, Its Not a Race. Walk Through It. You Gain Strength, Courage and Confidence by Every Experience in Which You Stop to Look Fear in the Face Keep Away From People Who Try to Belittle Your Ambitions. Small People…

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Twitter, Is It’s Own Worst Enemy

Now, home to a massive 328 billion monthly Tweeters, Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms world wide. But recently, Twitter doesn’t appear to be doing itself a lot of favors… Here’s how Twitter ruined Twitter. Related posts: 22 Twitter Optimizing Tips That Will Benefit Your Brands Profile Twitter Tests New Feature…

To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.

To Be Successful, You Have to Have Your Heart in Your Business, and Your Business in Your Heart.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Sooner or Later, Those Who Win Are Those Who Think They Can. Be Humble Enough to Admit You’re Not Perfect, but Determined Enough to Strive to Be Perfect. Success Usually Comes to Those Who Are Too Busy to Be Looking for It. The Difference Between Who You Are and…

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Facebook Live’s New Screen-Sharing Tool Is Built-In

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world, and the channel just keeps getting better and better. Recently, Facebook released a new feature which allows users to directly share their screens onto Facebook live. Click here to read more. Related posts: Facebook Potential To Remove Organic Reach Making Influencer Marketing More Expensive…

A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.

A Business That Makes Nothing but Money Is a Poor Business.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: SOCIAL MEDIA IS A CONTACT SPORT CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS WORTHLESS, CUSTOMER LOYALTY IS PRICELESS. Traditional Marketing Talks at People. Content Marketing Talks With Them. The Best Way Out Is Always THROUGH. You Must Be the Change You Want to See in the World. If You Want to Test Your…

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Snapchat Will Notify You When iOS 11 Is Recording Your Snap

The much loved snap-and-chat app, has begun to notify users when someone uses iOS 11’s new feature, Screen Recording, to save their Snaps… Click here to read on. Related posts: On Snapchat You Cant Change Your Username, But This Is The Next Best Thing Online Course To Improve Your Game On Snapchat A Reality Fashion…

Winning is not a sometime thing its an all time thing

Winning Is Not a Sometime Thing; It’s an All Time Thing. You Don’t Win Once in a While, You Don’t Do Things Right Once in a While, You Do Them Right All the Time. Winning Is Habit. Unfortunately, So Is Losing.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Be Humble Enough to Admit You’re Not Perfect, but Determined Enough to Strive to Be Perfect. Success Usually Comes to Those Who Are Too Busy to Be Looking for It. The Difference Between Who You Are and Who You Want to Be Is What You Do. Don’t Be Afraid…

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Marketing Tips: Freelance Branding

Converting from an employee to your own boss can be risky business, so it’s beneficial to take all the support and advice you can get. Click here for marketing and branding tips for freelancers. Related posts: Understanding The Influences Of Your Brand Using Executive Branding To Create A Company People Can Trust Treat Your Business…

Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition - in having put forth the best within you.

Live Daringly, Boldly, Fearlessly. Taste the Relish to Be Found in Competition – in Having Put Forth the Best Within You.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Marketing Takes a Day to Learn but a Lifetime to Master IT’S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW OR WHO YOU KNOW… I’TS WHO KNOWS YOU. BRANDING IS WHAT YOU, DO NOT WHAT YOU CALL IT. DONT USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO IMPRESS PEOPLE, USE IT TO IMPACT PEOPLE Great Spirits Have…

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Content Marketing Truth Revealed, Brands Read Now

The world of marketing is ever-growing, new strategies, data, trends and statistics are constantly arising… Click here for the truth about content marketing and what brands need to know. Related posts: Building Brand Trust And Incorporating Thought Leadership 2018’s Content Marketing Approaches For Eccommerce Brands 3 Lessons Learned From The World Of Content Marketing It’s…

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.

A Business Has to Be Involving, It Has to Be Fun, and It Has to Exercise Your Creative Instincts.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Business has Only Two Functions – Marketing and Innovation. Don’t Deliver a Product, Deliver an Experience. Great Content is the Best Sales Tool in the World. Desire Is the Starting Point of All Achievement, Not a Hope, Not a Wish, but a Keen Pulsating Desire Which Transcends Everything. Vision…

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Ethical And Better Yet Legal Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is a powerful strategy for all small businesses; but along with the success it can bring your brand, comes a stern set of rules to ensure that campaigns are lawful. Here’s how to ensure your email marketing campaigns align with legislation and ethics. Related posts: Why Email Is The Locomotive Of Digital Marketing…