Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

Effective Strategies At Combating Click Fraud

Despite the fact Pay-Per-Click (PPC) can earn you big money in business, click fraud still remains a big issue, making business owners hesitant to get involved with the strategy. Click here to learn how to end click fraud once and for all. Related posts: Get A Leg Up On Competitors With Competitive PPC Intelligence 4…


The Best Way to Sell Something – Don’t Sell Anything. Earn the Awareness, Respect, & Trust of Those Who Might Buy.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: The Way I See It, Every Life Is a Pile of Good Things and Bad Things. The Good Things Don’t Always Soften the Bad Things, but Vice Versa, the Bad Things Don’t Always Spoil the Good Things and Make Them Unimportant. Our Lives Begin to End the Day We…

marketing strategy

Content Marketing Strategy: 3 Components for Success

Behind every content marketing success story is a clear strategy, considering 3 main components: goals, customers and competition… Click here to learn how to define your content marketing strategy. Related posts: 2018’s Content Marketing Approaches For Eccommerce Brands 3 Lessons Learned From The World Of Content Marketing It’s Important To Have Goals , Especially When…

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5 Holiday Mistakes Made By Marketers

Christmas is coming our way! Every businesses favorite season; where sales are high and everyone is happy- if your marketing campaign is successful, that is… Click here for the five biggest mistakes made by marketers in the lead-up to Christmas. Related posts: Jumping Digital Marketing Biggest Hurdles Young Marketers Making Their Own Way To The…

Social Media Allows Big Companies to Act Small Again.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: We Become What We Think About. You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take. Good Marketing Makes the Company Look Smart. Great Marketing Makes the Customer Feel Smart. Seo Is Not Something You Do Anymore. It’s What Happens When You Do Everything Else Right. Content Is the Reason…

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A Study Into The ROI Of Twitter

As reported by a third-party study conducted by the company, Twitter can deliver a massive 40% higher Return On Investment (ROI) in comparison to other social networking platforms. Click here to read the article. Related posts: Targeting Options For Twitter Advertising, The Definitive Infographic Twitters Potential For Lead Generation Quick Fixes To Damaged Reputations With…

trend trends graph success chart

Make The Most Of Facebook Ads With These 3 Tips

If you’ve used Facebook Ads before in your business, you’re probably one of the many who are able to see amazing results in website traffic, but not much improvement in sales… Sound about right? Click here for 3 ways you can get more out of your Facebook ads. Related posts: Advertisers Refunded By Facebook As…

Content Marketing Is Really Like a First Date. If All You Do Is Talk About Yourself, There Won’t Be a Second Date.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: We Have Technology, Finally, That For The First Time In Human History Allows People To Really Maintain Rich Connections With Much Larger Numbers Of People In 2004, Good SEO Made You Remarkable On The Web. Now, Good SEO Is A Result Of Being Remarkable On The Web Tell A…

search engine optimization optimisation   organic search results

4 Pointers To Improve The SEO On Your Website

Optimizing your website is a must if you want to bag yourself a top spot on the search results hierarchy. Click here for 4 tips to help you improve your websites SEO. Related posts: 27 Beneficial SEO Tools That Are Often Neglected Secret Strategy To Learning SEO Revealed SEO Is The Ground Work All Well…

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Advertisers Flocking To Snapchat Using Geo-location Data To Find Out Where People Shop

Snapchat is a newbie to the paid advertising world, but the photo-sharing app sure is fitting in well! Click here to read why Snapchat advertising has jumped by 73%. Related posts: Using Snapchat To Stay Current With CNN’s Daily News Show Microsoft redesigned Skype to make it more like Snapchat and Facebook Snapchat’s On-Demand Purchasable…


If You Have More Money Than Brains, You Should Focus on Outbound Marketing. If You Have More Brains Than Money, You Should Focus on Inbound Marketing.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: You Can’t Fool All The People, Not Even Most Of The Time. And People Once Un fooled, Talk About The Experience The Only Way To Win At Content Marketing Is For The Reader To Say, ‘This Was Written Specifically For Me’ Start With The End In Mind And Work…

2018 new year

3 Social Media Platforms Best For Marketing 2018

Social media is always on the rise, and looking back over the past few years a lot has changed; more platforms have emerged, better strategies have been developed and advertising has grown to become a norm for businesses. As we’re quickly approaching the new year, you’re probably starting to conciser developing and bettering your social…