Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

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Engaging To The Next Generation Of Consumer

Marketers and business owners, take note. Post-Millennials are the next big thing and by 2020, they are set to represent a huge 40 percent of consumers! Click here to learn how to engage your audience of the future. Related posts: Small Business Tips For Greater Marketing Outsource Your Social Media Management To Marketing Experts Social…


Luck Is a Dividend of Sweat. The More You Sweat, the Luckier You Get.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: You Can’t Fool All The People, Not Even Most Of The Time. And People Once Un fooled, Talk About The Experience The Only Way To Win At Content Marketing Is For The Reader To Say, ‘This Was Written Specifically For Me’ Start With The End In Mind And Work…

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Facebook Ad Optimization Will Increase Your Amount Of Holiday Shoppers

Amazon is well known for its popularity, all earned without spending huge amounts on market research and a strategy. We all want to be a bit like Amazon… Click here to read on. Related posts: Facebook’s Ad Transparency, Everything You Should Know Facebook Tests New Messenger Marketing Broadcast Facebook’s Ad Policy Translated How Facebook’s Data…


It Is During Our Darkest Moments That We Must Focus to See the Light.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: We Have Technology, Finally, That For The First Time In Human History Allows People To Really Maintain Rich Connections With Much Larger Numbers Of People In 2004, Good SEO Made You Remarkable On The Web. Now, Good SEO Is A Result Of Being Remarkable On The Web Tell A…


4 Shortcuts For Content Marketing Results

It’s a well known fact in the marketing world- content drives results. Click here for 4 content marketing shortcuts, and how to get results without crafting content. Related posts: Marketers Ratings Of ROI, And Responding To Content Marketing Using Content Marketing To Increase Leads And Website Traffic 7 Steps For Successful When Content Marketing Early…

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2018 Marketing Trends You Don’t Wanna Miss

New year is quickly approaching, so businesses- now is the perfect time to plan and craft your fresh social media campaigns. Click here for 6 social media marketing trends to watch in 2018. Related posts: Choosing The Best Social Media Platform Suited To Your Brand 7 Reasons Why You Need To Monitor Your Brand On…


If You Want to Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want to Go Far, Go Together.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: I Am Not a Product of My Circumstances. I Am a Product of My Decisions. You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don’t Take. Every Strike Brings Me Closer to the Next Home Run. Life Isn’t About Getting and Having, It’s About Giving and Being. Content Marketing Is All…

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10 Marketing Hacks: PPC Email Marketing

Email marketers- are you looking to optimise your reach? Click here for the top 10 PPC marketing hacks for email marketers. Related posts: AdWord Strategies So You Go Toe To Toe With Big Spenders Google AdWords September 2017 Update 50 Ways Of Driving Website Traffic AdWords Updated: Changes And New Features WARNING: YOU NEED TO…


It Does Not Do to Dwell on Dreams and Forget to Live.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: You Can Never Cross the Ocean Until You Have the Courage to Lose Sight of the Shore. The Difference Between Sales And Marketing Is That Marketing Owns The Message And Sales Own The Relationship Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun The Overarching Problem Is That Everyone Sees And Uses Social…


If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When?

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: You Can’t Fool All The People, Not Even Most Of The Time. And People Once Un fooled, Talk About The Experience The Only Way To Win At Content Marketing Is For The Reader To Say, ‘This Was Written Specifically For Me’ Start With The End In Mind And Work…

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Instagram Return On Investments

Since it first debuted back in 2010, Instagram has been constantly growing… Considering the platform now holds 800 million monthly active users, there is no denying the social site is extremely popular, but how effective is it for businesses? Click here to find out. Related posts: Using Bots To Increase Followers and Comment Frequency To…

social media

Make The Most Of Your Marketing With Social Media

Social media is forever becoming more and more popular, and now, the average person spends 1 hour and 40 minutes on social sites each day, making Social Media Marketing (SMM) a MUST for businesses of all industries and sizes. How meaningful is your Social Media Marketing? Click here to find out! Related posts: 6 Avoidable…