Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News


Christmas Is Most Truly Christmas When We Celebrate It by Giving the Light of Love to Those Who Need It Most.

Related posts: It Is Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air. The Best of All Gifts Around Any Christmas Tree: the Presence of a Happy Family All Wrapped Up in Each Other. I Will Honour Christmas in My Heart, and Try to Keep It All the Year. I Wish We Could Put…

facebook application

Facebook tests pre-roll video ads on ‘Watch’ platform

At the beginning of this month, Facebook plans to try out pre-roll advertising were leaked… Click here to read more about the social media giants upcoming project. Related posts: Facebook’s Best Advertisement Practices Facebook Is Untouchable In The Marketing Industry Facebook Doesn’t Need To Listen In To Target Ads Master Facebook Ads Are Facebook ads…


Christmas Is Doing a Little Something Extra for Someone.

Related posts: It Is Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air. Christmas Is a Day of Meaning and Traditions, a Special Day Spent in the Warm Circle of Family and Friends. Gifts of Time and Love Are Surely the Basic Ingredients of a Truly Merry Christmas. Christmas Is a Season for Kindling…

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search engine optimization optimisation   organic search results

SEO Christmas Wish List

The holidays are finally here, the perfect time (if you’re not already doing so already) to optimise your website and be easier reached by people interested in what your business has to offer. Click here for your SEO checklist. Related posts: 6 Guidelines For Growing Your Business With SEM And SEO 6 Revelations Into Content…

twitter application tweet

Trade Secrets To Improve Twitter Marketing

One of the best things about Twitter, is that its great for both B2B and B2C marketing! Want to learn the secrets of a successful Twitter strategy? Read this Article. Related posts: SOCIALMEDIADAY: THE MARKETING TIPS YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT. Twitters Potential For Lead Generation Psychological Concepts For Social Media And Marketing Social Commerce: 5…


Christmas Is a Season for Kindling the Fire for Hospitality in the Hall, the Genial Flame of Charity in the Heart.

Related posts: Christmas, Children, Is Not a Date. It Is a State of Mind. The Best of All Gifts Around Any Christmas Tree: the Presence of a Happy Family All Wrapped Up in Each Other. I Will Honour Christmas in My Heart, and Try to Keep It All the Year. I Wish We Could Put…


Double Your Sales This Holiday Season With 8 Smart Marketing Tips

As a startup company, gathering all the research you can get on how to market your brand during holiday season is the essential key to success. Click here for 8 marketing strategies startups can implement right now to double their sales this holiday season. Related posts: Jumping Digital Marketing Biggest Hurdles 5 Marketing Trends Recommended By…

Snapchat application

Does Snapchat Marketing Work?

Snapchat is relatively new to the advertising scene, so you may be curious as to whether advertising on the platform actually works… Click here to read the article. Related posts: Microsoft redesigned Skype to make it more like Snapchat and Facebook The future of Snapchat is in the dancing hot dog’s hands Instagram Vs Snapchat…


He Who Has Not Christmas in His Heart Will Never Find It Under a Tree.

Related posts: Gifts of Time and Love Are Surely the Basic Ingredients of a Truly Merry Christmas. Christmas Now Surrounds Us, Happiness Is Everywhere. Our Hands Are Busy With Many Tasks as Carols Fill the Air. Christmas, Children, Is Not a Date. It Is a State of Mind. Blessed Is the Season Which Engages the…


How Influential Is Instagram?

The world now spends over 30% of their internet time on social media platforms, meaning brands can reach an active audience on platforms such as Instagram on a big scale. Click here to learn more about the influence of Instagram. Related posts: Instagram Users Contact Information Exposed Instagram Website Stories Currently Doesn’t Contain Ads Give…

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2018 Brings New Marketing Tools To Social Media

2018 is set to be a big year for social media marketing, and for all those businesses on social sites- the sky really is the limit! Read this article for some ideas on new social media tools you can use in the upcoming year. Related posts: 5 Social Media Trends That Will Become Better With…


Blessed Is the Season Which Engages the Whole World in a Conspiracy of Love.

Related posts: It Is Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air. Christmas Is a Day of Meaning and Traditions, a Special Day Spent in the Warm Circle of Family and Friends. I Will Honour Christmas in My Heart, and Try to Keep It All the Year. I Wish We Could Put Up…