Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News

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How Successful Is Social Media In Marketing?

As 2017 draws to an end, now is the time to look over on your marketing success this year and plan ahead for 2018. Click here for 11 social media takeaways to guide your marketing in the new year. Related posts: 6 Avoidable Mistakes When Marketing To Social Media Embrace Social Media And Watch Your…


Success Is Walking From Failure to Failure With No Loss of Enthusiasm.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: The Best Marketing Doesn’t Feel Like Marketing. Social Media Allows Big Companies to Act Small Again. As Marketers, We Should Be Changing the Mantra From ‘always Be Closing’ to ‘always Be Helping’. Life’s Too Mysterious to Take It Too Serious On Social Networks Be Helpful 85 Percent of the…


5 Ways To Boost Your Content Marketing This January

As we head in the new year, businesses around the world are renewing their strategy, considering new trends, channels, tools and statistics. Want to perfect the content marketing side of your strategy? Click here. Related posts: Create Unique Content Building Brand Trust And Incorporating Thought Leadership It’s Important To Have Goals , Especially When Content…


If You Do What You Always Did, You Will Get What You Always Got.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: If You Look at What You Have in Life, You’ll Always Have More… Do or Do Not. There Is No Try. If Not Us, Who? If Not Now, When? Keep Away From People Who Try to Belittle Your Ambitions. Small People Always Do That, but the Really Great Makes…

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SnapChat To Boost Ad Revenue With Promoting Stories

Snapchats latest ad format has got all the marketers talking… Promoted stories allow businesses to pay to broadcast their stories to a wider range of audience! Read this article. Related posts: Ways Snapchat Checks Facts, To Prevent The Spread Of False Information Snapchat Bigger In The US For Millennial’s Than Instagram Increase Your Brand Awareness…

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No One Can Slow Facebook Down As It Continues To Improve

There is no denying it- Facebook plays a big part of billions of our lives, and the channel is continuously improving… Click here to read on. Related posts: Facebook Ad Optimization Will Increase Your Amount Of Holiday Shoppers Facebook’s Ad Transparency, Everything You Should Know Facebook Tests New Messenger Marketing Broadcast 6 Proven Ways To…


Good Things Come to People Who Wait, but Better Things Come to Those Who Go Out and Get Them.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Ideas Can Turn To Dust Or Magic Depending On The Talent That Rubs Against It. Computers Cant Do It All. Theres No Substitute For Creative, Clever, Compassionate Human Marketers It’s All About People. It’s About Networking And Being Nice To People And Not Burning Any Bridges It Doesn’t Matter…

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How Much Social Media Marketing Is Too Much?

Whether it’s to connect with friends, post a picture or write a status, findings show almost 35 percent of the world are regularly using social media. With this figure, it is fair to say social media marketing is crucial for brand awareness and can potentially generate a business many leads and potential sales. But is…

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The Benefits Of AI In Content Marketing Strategies

In this day and age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bigger than you may think and its transforming brand marketing strategies across the globe and bringing them success. Click here to read on. Related posts: 2018’s Content Marketing Approaches For Eccommerce Brands 5 Little Mistakes Stopping You From Reaching Your Full Content Marketing Potential Content Marketing…


All Our Dreams Can Come True if We Have the Courage to Pursue Them.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: …The Combination Of These Technologies Unlocks An Incredible Opportunity To Connect Everything Together In A New Way And Is Dramatically Transforming The Way We Live And Work Email Has An Ability Many Channels Don’t: Creating Valuable, Personal Touches… At Scale Depending Entirely On Google Or SEO Is Dangerous Your…

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30 Important Tips You Must Know When Instagram Marketing

The sky really is the limit when it comes to Instagram marketing. But you cant just share content, relax and wait for success to come to you. You need an effective Instagram marketing plan that focuses on your goals! Click here for 30 essential tips on boosting your Instagram marketing. Related posts: Using Bots To…

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Experts Predict The Future Of Social Media In 2018

The world of social media is forever changing, but as a marketer, its always handy to stay ahead of the game. Click here to take a look at what some industry experts predict for social media in 2018. Related posts: Don’t Get Left Behind, There Is Sill Time To Start Social Selling Small Business Tips…