Internet, Website Design, PPC & Marketing News


I Am All For Conversations But You Need To Have A Message

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Nothing Begets Creativity Like Constraints Advertising Is Only Evil When It Advertises Evil Things. By Definition, Remarkable Things Get Remarked Upon Never Write An Advertisement Which You Wouldn’t Want Your Family To Read. You Wouldn’t Tell Lies To Your Own Wife. Don’t Tell Them To Mine Think Bigger, Braver,…

instagram application

Instagram Introduces Its New Data Download Feature.

Instagram announced that its new tool will allow you to download all of your data from the app, so if you want a saved copy or if you  want to leave for another image sharing site now its so much easier. Read This Article Related posts: Instagram’s Unscheduled Changes Shocks Developers 6 Ways You Should…

Instagram application

6 Ways You Should Be Marketing On Instagram This Year

2018 has already begun, but its not too late to implement these 6 new Instagram marketing strategies just in time for summer. Read This Article Related posts: Marketers Should Be Using Stories On Instagram (Infographic) Brands Increasing Their Online Presence On Social Media By Using College Students To Promote Their Products Advertising On LinkedIn: A…

facebook application

Facebook Updating Their Terms Of Service Of Users Not In Europe

AS GDPR approaches Facebook updates their terms and conditions for anyone outside of Europe, as Facebook aims to give all members equal privacy protection Read This Article Related posts: Facebook Confesses To Congress That They Shared Personal Data To 61 Different Companies. Can Zuckerberg Save Facebook? A How To Guide To Protect Your Private Data…


Content Is The Atomic Particle Of All Digital Marketing

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: I Am All For Conversations But You Need To Have A Message Good Content Isn’t About Good Storytelling. It’s About Telling A True Story Well Doing Business Without Advertising Is Like Winking At A Girl In The Dark. You Know What You Are Doing, But Nobody Else Does. If…


Using Conversion Testing To Improve Submission Rates For B2B Forms

4 tests you can do that will highlight and show that users online experience can affect lead results and conversions. Read This Article Related posts: Building A Better B2B Marketing Relationship With Engaging Content How to Make The Most Of LinkedIn For B2B Marketing No Matter What You Do, Don’t Pass Leads Directly To The…


Content Is Anything That Adds Value To The Readers Life

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Focus On The Core Problem Your Business Solves And Put Out Lots Of Content And Enthusiasm And Ideas About How To Solve That Problem Doing Business Without Advertising Is Like Winking At A Girl In The Dark. You Know What You Are Doing, But Nobody Else Does. Good Marketers…

digital marketing social media world connect audience target market internet online marketing digital world network

2018’s Top 10 Wireless Routers

10 of 2018’s best routers, everything you need to know including their strenghts and weaknesses of each router with a pricing guide for each one. Read This Article Related posts: 2018’s 10 Best Routers Ranked SEO 2018 Infographic Will AI Be The End Of Man? Or The Begining Of A New Era A Marketers Guide…


You Can’t Sell Anything If You Can’t Tell Anything

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Doing Business Without Advertising Is Like Winking At A Girl In The Dark. You Know What You Are Doing, But Nobody Else Does. You Have To Learn The Rules Of The Game. And Then You Have To Play Better Than Anyone Else. The Key Ingredient To A Better Content…

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New Wireless Earbud Headphones Compatible With Any Voice Assistant Like Alexa

Coming Soon, New wireless earbud headphones that can used to communicate with more than just Siri but google assistant and Alexa too. Read This Article Related posts: Google Promotes Google Assistant With Their Very Own Fun House 2018’s Top 10 Wireless Routers The Google Pixel 3 Phone Could Support Wireless Charging Google To Improve Its…


The Key Is, No Matter What Story You Tell, Make Your Buyer The Hero

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams. Related posts: Creating marketing that works should not be rocket science Emotional Impact Is About Making Absolutely Sure That The Customer Sees Themselves In The Story You’re Telling Doing Business Without Advertising Is Like Winking At A Girl In The Dark. You Know What You Are Doing, But Nobody Else Does.…


How To Adapt Your Facebook Video Ads For Success

even though both Facebook and Youtube contain video advertisements, they are still completely different platforms and should be treated as such. Read This Article To find out how to adapt your video ads for Facebook. Related posts: These Secrets Will Help You Make The Most Of Your Ads On Facebook The Key Components Facebook Considers…