
Google Promotes Google Assistant With Their Very Own Fun House

Google looking to power our homes with Google Assistant, making life easier. Read This Article to find out how they advertised Google Assistant

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Twitter Suspends Accounts Guilty Of Stealing Memes

Many Twitter users have been suspended as it discovered they have been stealing memes without crediting the creator and conspiring in twitter groups to make sure their content will go viral. Click Here to read more about these “Tweetdeckers”

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SEO 2018 Infographic

This infographic created by DreamSight informs you on 8 things you should be doing to optimize your SEO in 2018.

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Matthew Henick Jumping Ship To Partner With Facebooks Media Team

Buzzfeed’s former head takes a job with facebook, saying that it’s a storytelling platform Read This Article for more.

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Facebook Hackers Using Fake Profiles To Steal Passwords

Lebanese hackers have been discovered using fake Facebook profiles to convince people to download and spread spyware disguised as messenger apps. Read This Article

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About Google Fuchsia, Updates And Release Date Rumors

Everything we know about the upcoming OS Google Fuchsia, with some rumors and predictions. Read This Article

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Madonna Not A Fan Of Instagram’s Songwriting Camps

Iconic artist speaks out against Instagram and hinted at a new song coming soon Read This Article for more information

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Look at the Sparrows; They Do Not Know What They Will Do in the Next Moment. Let Us Literally Live From Moment to Moment.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams.

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The Great Thing in This World Is Not So Much Where You Stand, as in What Direction You Are Moving.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams.

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To Be Successful, You Have to Have Your Heart in Your Business, and Your Business in Your Heart.

Marketing Quotes By #MarketingDreams.

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